Are Plastic Laptops Bad? Pros & Cons Explored

The use of plastic laptops has become increasingly popular in recent years due to their affordability and portability. But are plastic laptops bad? Indeed, the use of plastic laptops has both benefits and drawbacks, and it’s important to consider these pros and cons before making a purchase.

This article will explore the pros and cons of using plastic laptops, allowing you to make an informed decision about whether or not a plastic laptop is right for you.

Are Plastic Laptops Bad?

Plastic laptops are budget-friendly devices that offer basic features and functions at a low price point. However, they are not without their drawbacks. In this article, we will explore the pros and cons of plastic laptops to help you decide if they’re right for you.

  • The primary benefit of plastic laptops is their affordability. Plastic laptops generally cost much less than their metal counterparts, making them accessible to a wider range of consumers. Additionally, plastic laptops are lightweight and offer excellent portability.
  • On the other hand, plastic laptops are not as durable as metal laptops. Plastic laptops are much more prone to scratches and dents than their metal counterparts, and they may not hold up as well to regular wear and tear.
  • Additionally, plastic laptops may not offer the same performance as metal laptops. Plastic laptops are often not as powerful and may not have the same processing power as metal laptops.
  • In terms of aesthetics, plastic laptops can be less attractive than metal laptops. Plastic laptops tend to look cheaper and may not be as visually appealing as metal laptops. Additionally, plastic laptops generate more heat than metal laptops, making them uncomfortable to use.
  • Finally, plastic laptops may not last as long as metal laptops. Metal laptops are generally more durable and may last longer than plastic laptops. Additionally, metal laptops are usually more reliable than plastic laptops, as plastic laptops may be more prone to software or hardware issues.

Which Is Better, a Metal or Plastic Laptop

Which Is Better, a Metal or Plastic Laptop?

The debate of which is better, metal or plastic laptops has been ongoing for some time. While both have their own benefits and drawbacks, it is important to consider the pros and cons of each before making your decision.

Plastic laptops tend to be lighter and more affordable than metal laptops, but they can be more prone to damage and may not always have the same performance levels as metal laptops. On the other hand, metal laptops tend to be more durable and offer a higher level of performance, but they are usually more expensive.

Regarding the pros and cons of plastic laptops, one of the main advantages is their lower price tag. This makes them an accessible and attractive choice for those on a budget.

They are also generally lighter than metal laptops, which makes them ideal for the frequent traveler. In addition, plastic laptops stay cooler during use than metal laptops, which can be a major benefit for those who work for long periods.

However, plastic laptops also have their drawbacks. The material is not as durable as metal, making it more prone to damage from drops, bumps, and scratches. Plastic laptops may also not offer the same performance level as metal laptops, which can be a major issue for those who need to run intensive applications. Additionally, plastic laptops may not have the same longevity as metal laptops and may need to be replaced sooner.

When it comes to metal laptops, the main benefit is that they tend to be much more durable than plastic laptops. The material is more resistant to drops, bumps, and scratches, making them ideal for those who are prone to accidents.

Metal laptops also usually offer higher performance levels than plastic laptops, so they are a good choice for those who need to run intensive applications. However, metal laptops tend to be much more expensive than plastic laptops, so they may not be the best option for those on a budget.

Durability Of Plastic Laptops

The durability of plastic laptops is a major factor to consider when purchasing a new laptop. Plastic laptops are much less expensive than their metal counterparts but also much less durable. Plastic is not as strong as metal and can easily be scratched, dented, and even cracked. The use of plastic can also cause the laptop to heat up more quickly, leading to shortened battery life and decreased performance. Plastic laptops are also more susceptible to water damage, as the liquid can seep into the laptop’s casing if it is exposed to a spill.

While the durability of plastic laptops is not ideal, there are some advantages to using plastic over metal. Plastic is much lighter than metal, making it much easier to carry around with you and usually less expensive. In addition, plastic does not conduct heat as well as metal, which helps keep the laptop at a relatively cool temperature even when it is being used for extended periods.

Cost Of Plastic Laptops

The cost of plastic laptops is a major factor when considering whether they are a good choice for consumers. Plastic laptops tend to be much cheaper than their metal counterparts, making them an attractive option for those on a budget.

For example, a plastic laptop with similar specs to a metal laptop can be up to 40% cheaper. This makes them a great choice for those who are looking for an affordable laptop without compromising on specs.

However, there is a trade-off regarding the cost of plastic laptops. Although they may be cheaper, plastic laptops often lack the durability and quality of metal laptops.

Plastic laptops are more prone to wear and tear and can become scratched and cracked easily. Furthermore, plastic laptops can suffer from overheating problems, leading to system crashes.

Heat Dissipation of Plastic Laptops

Heat Dissipation of Plastic Laptops

The heat dissipation of plastic laptops is one of the primary considerations when deciding if they are good or bad. Plastic is an insulator, meaning it does not conduct heat very well and can trap heat inside the laptop. This can cause the laptop to overheat and potentially damage components or cause the laptop to slow down.

Additionally, plastic laptops are lighter than metal laptops, so they may not have a good cooling system to help dissipate the heat. Without proper cooling, a plastic laptop may be more prone to overheating than a metal laptop.

Heat dissipation is further complicated because plastic laptops tend to be thinner than metal laptops. This means that the laptops have less space for air to flow, making it harder for the heat generated by the laptop to be expelled. As such, plastic laptops are often designed with a fan system to keep the laptop cool. This adds to the weight of the laptop, making it heavier than a metal laptop, but it also ensures that the laptop stays cool while in use.

Finally, plastic laptops may be more likely to experience thermal throttling if the laptop gets too hot. Thermal throttling is when the laptop reduces its performance in order to lower its temperature to a safe level.

This can cause the laptop to slow down and can cause the laptop to crash if the throttling is too severe. Metal laptops are more resilient to thermal throttling since the metal conducts heat better, allowing the laptop to cool down more quickly.

Battery Life of Plastic Laptops

The battery life of plastic laptops is one of the most important factors to consider when deciding to buy one. Plastic laptops are usually much lighter and more affordable than their metal counterparts, but the trade-off is often a much shorter battery life.

Plastic laptops are often powered by lower-powered batteries, meaning they don’t last as long as metal laptops when unplugged. Plastic laptops also tend to have a much lower power efficiency rating, meaning that they will consume more energy and have a shorter battery life overall.

Design Of Plastic Laptops

Design Of Plastic Laptops The design of plastic laptops has become increasingly popular in recent years, and with good reason. Plastic laptops are lighter, more durable, and more cost-effective.

They are also attractive, offering a sleek and modern look. The light weight of plastic laptops makes them easy to carry around, and their durability ensures they can withstand everyday use’s rigors.

While they may not be as durable as metal laptops, they are still a great option for budget-conscious consumers looking for a sleek and modern laptop.

Security Of Plastic Laptops

Security Of Plastic Laptops

Plastic laptops are much cheaper than traditional metal laptops and can withstand more physical abuse, making them ideal for budget-conscious consumers. But plastic laptops may not be the best choice when it comes to security. Plastic laptops are less secure than metal laptops because they are more susceptible to physical damage.

Plastic laptops are also more vulnerable to tampering, as they can easily be pried open and the internal components tampered with. Plastic laptops can also be more easily stolen, as they are much lighter than metal laptops and can be concealed more easily.

Additionally, plastic laptops are more likely to suffer from overheating problems, as the plastic materials used to manufacture them may not be able to dissipate heat as efficiently as metal laptops.

Maintenance Of Plastic Laptops

While metal laptops can be more expensive, plastic laptops can still be quite effective. However, there are a few things to consider when it comes to maintaining a plastic laptop.

One of the main issues with plastic laptops is that they are more vulnerable to scratches and damage than metal laptops. This is because plastic is softer than metal and can be easily scratched or dented regularly.

To keep your laptop looking new, it is important to regularly clean the plastic surface with a soft cloth and use a protective case or sleeve when carrying it around. Additionally, you should avoid placing objects on top of the laptop that could cause scratches or dents.

Another issue to consider is that plastic laptops tend to get hotter than metal laptops. This is because plastic does not dissipate heat as effectively as metal, which can reduce the laptop’s performance and even cause it to shut down.

To help keep your laptop cool, ensure it is well-ventilated, and the fan and vents are not blocked. Additionally, you should avoid using the laptop on soft or uneven surfaces that could block the airflow.

Finally, plastic laptops can also be more prone to dust buildup than metal laptops. This is because dust and debris can easily get stuck in the crevices and grooves of the plastic surface. To help keep your laptop clean, make sure to regularly dust it off and use compressed air to get rid of any dust buildup. Additionally, you should avoid using any abrasive cleaners or solvents that could damage the plastic surface.

Environmental Impact of Plastic Laptops

The environmental impact of plastic laptops is a topic of much debate, with many pros and cons to consider. Plastic laptops are lightweight, extremely durable, and generally considered to be more affordable for consumers than laptops made from other materials. On the other hand, plastic laptops can potentially have a negative environmental impact due to their production, use, and disposal.

During the production of plastic laptops, the manufacturing process can create toxic waste that can be released into the environment. Plastic laptop production also requires energy and resources, which can contribute to global warming and other environmental issues. In addition, plastic laptops are not biodegradable, meaning they will be around in the environment for a very long time.

When it comes to use, plastic laptops are not as energy efficient as other laptops due to the fact that they do not retain heat as well as other materials. This can lead to increased energy use and costs, which can be detrimental to the environment. Furthermore, the plastic used in laptop construction is often made from petroleum-based products, which can be a source of air and water pollution.

Finally, when it comes to disposal, plastic laptops pose a significant problem for the environment. Plastic laptops are not easily recyclable and often end up in landfills, where they can produce toxic chemicals and other pollutants. In addition, plastic laptops can leach chemicals into the ground, which can harm the environment.

Availability Of Parts for Plastic Laptops

On the plus side, plastic laptops are relatively easy to repair and upgrade due to their simple construction. The parts inside plastic laptops are often more accessible than those in metal models, making it easier to swap out components such as memory, hard drives, and processors.

This means that plastic laptops can be customized to meet specific user needs and easily updated to keep up with the latest technology. Furthermore, plastic laptops are often cheaper than their metal counterparts, making them ideal for those with a limited budget.

On the other hand, the availability of parts for plastic laptops can be limited. Many manufacturers only offer parts for their specific models, which means you may have difficulty finding something compatible if you need a replacement part for a plastic laptop. Furthermore, some parts for plastic laptops may be harder to find than those for metal models, as plastic components are not as widely produced.


In conclusion, plastic laptops can be a viable option for those looking for an affordable and lightweight laptop. They may be more prone to damage and wear than more expensive laptops, but if taken care of properly, plastic laptops can last for many years.

The deciding factor for whether a plastic laptop is a good choice for you depends on your personal preferences and budget. It’s important to weigh the pros and cons before making a decision.

Frequently Asked Questions:

Which material is best for a laptop body?

The best material for a laptop body is magnesium alloy. It is lightweight, durable, and provides good heat dissipation. Additionally, it is resistant to corrosion and scratches.

Why are laptops made out of plastic?

Laptops are made out of plastic for a variety of reasons. Plastic is lightweight, durable, and cost-effective. It also protects from dust, dirt, and other environmental elements. Plastic also has superior thermal properties, which help regulate the laptop’s temperature and prevent it from overheating. Additionally, plastic can be molded into different shapes and sizes, allowing manufacturers to create sleek, lightweight designs.

How much of a laptop is plastic?

Depends on the type and model of the laptop. Generally, most laptops are made up of plastic and metal. The plastic parts usually include the outer shell, palm rest, keyboard, and display frame. Some laptops may also contain plastic fan housings and plastic components for internal components.

Do metal laptops get hotter than plastic?

Yes, metal laptops tend to get hotter than plastic laptops because metal is a better conductor of heat than plastic. Metal laptops are also usually thicker, which can trap heat more easily, and metal is not as good at dissipating heat as plastic.