Are Laptops Allowed on Planes? – Get The Answer

Traveling with a laptop on a plane can be a convenient way to stay productive while on the go. It can also be a source of worry, however, as individuals may be concerned about whether or not their laptop is allowed on the plane. The good news is that, in most cases, bringing a laptop on a plane is perfectly fine.

In this article, we will explore the question and provide an answer to the question: Are laptops allowed on planes?

Are Laptops Allowed on Planes?

Are laptops allowed on planes? The answer to this question depends on a few factors: airline, flight, and destination. Most airlines allow passengers to bring small electronic devices such as laptops on board their planes, but there are some restrictions. Depending on where you are traveling, the regulations may vary.

When it comes to bringing your laptop on board an airplane, there are two main factors to consider. The first is size. Most airlines allow passengers to bring laptops that are no bigger than 16 inches in length or width and no thicker than 2.5 inches in depth. Anything larger than this is likely to be considered an oversized item and must be stored in the overhead bin or checked in.

The second factor to consider when bringing a laptop on a plane is the type of battery the device uses. Many airlines require passengers to remove the battery from the laptop and store it in a carry-on bag. This is to prevent any potential problems with overheating or fire that could occur if the laptop is left powered on during the flight. Additionally, some airlines may also require you to put the laptop in a special plastic bag that can be provided at the airport.

In addition to the restrictions on size and batteries, some airlines may also have additional policies related to the use of laptops on board. For instance, some airlines may prohibit the use of laptops during certain phases of the flight, such as takeoff and landing. Other airlines may allow the use of laptops during the flight but limit the amount of time they can be used.

Types Of Laptops Allowed on Planes

When traveling by plane, knowing what types of laptops are allowed on board is important. Some airlines may allow small laptops, while others may only permit larger models. Generally, all types of laptops are allowed on planes, but restrictions may apply.

Small laptops, such as netbooks, are usually allowed on planes without any restrictions. These devices are usually smaller than traditional laptops and are often more lightweight. As a result, they are easier to store in luggage or carry on the plane. However, some airlines may impose restrictions on the size of these devices, so it is best to check with the airline before bringing a netbook on board.

Larger laptops are generally allowed on planes, but airlines may require passengers to store them in their checked baggage or place them in a special container. This is because these devices can take up more space and may cause a safety hazard if placed in the overhead compartments. While larger laptops are typically allowed on planes, it is important to check with the airline prior to boarding to ensure that the device meets its regulations.

Airline Policies on Laptop Use During Flights

Airline policies on laptop use during flights vary from airline to airline. In general, most airlines allow passengers to bring laptops onto planes as long as they are in a secure and protective case. Some airlines may require passengers to place their laptops in checked luggage, so it is important to check with the specific airline before boarding to ensure that their laptop is allowed on the plane.

The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) does not have a specific policy on laptop use during flights. However, the FAA requires that all electronic devices be turned off during takeoff and landing. The FAA also recommends that passengers keep their laptops in the overhead bins during takeoff and landing and stow them securely while in the air.

In general, laptops are allowed on planes, but there are some restrictions. For example, some airlines may not allow passengers to use their laptops during certain flight portions, such as takeoff and landing. Also, passengers may be asked to remove their laptops from their carry-on luggage and place them in checked bags before boarding the plane.

In addition to airlines’ restrictions, passengers should also be aware that laptop use may be restricted in certain regions of the world. For example, some countries may have laws that prohibit the use of laptops on planes, while others may not allow the use of laptops during certain times. For this reason, it is important to check with the relevant authorities before traveling to determine if laptop use is allowed.

Airline Security Measures for Laptops

When it comes to airline security measures, one of the most common questions passengers have is whether or not they can bring laptops on planes. Fortunately, in most cases, the answer is yes. However, there are some restrictions and requirements when it comes to bringing laptops on planes.

In general, laptops are allowed on planes but must go through the same security screening as other carry-on items. This means that laptops must go through the x-ray machine and may be selected for additional screening. If a laptop is selected for additional screening, it must be completely removed from its laptop bag and any other cases or bags and placed in a separate bin for screening.

In addition to going through the same security screening process as other carry-on items, laptops must also adhere to the same size and weight restrictions. Laptops must be no larger than 18 inches long, 14 inches wide, and 8 inches deep. Laptops must also weigh no more than 22 pounds. Any laptops that do not meet these requirements must be checked into the plane’s cargo hold.

Lithium-ion batteries are also allowed on planes but must be removed from the laptop and carried in the passenger’s carry-on bag. This is important to note because the laptop will not be allowed to be powered on during the flight. It is also important to ensure that the laptop does not contain any loose lithium-ion batteries.

Airline Regulations for Laptop Chargers

Airline regulations regarding laptop chargers vary from airline to airline and country to country. In the United States, it is generally allowed to bring a laptop charger on a plane and use it during the flight. However, this is only allowed if the charger is placed in a carry-on bag and not checked in with the other luggage. Most airlines also recommend that passengers turn off their laptop chargers and unplug the power cords during takeoff and landing.

Outside of the United States, the rules vary. In the United Kingdom, for example, travelers are allowed to bring their laptop chargers on the plane and use them during the flight. However, they must be placed in the overhead compartments instead of being placed underneath the seat in front of the passenger. In India, passengers are not allowed to bring their laptop chargers on the plane. They must be placed in the checked luggage instead.

In addition, some airlines may have additional rules regarding laptop chargers. For example, some airlines may require passengers to place their laptop chargers in plastic bags. This is done to prevent the laptop charger from coming into contact with other passengers’ belongings and potentially causing a fire. Other airlines may require passengers to declare their laptop chargers or to show them to the security personnel at the airport before boarding the plane.

Traveling With a Laptop Internationally

Traveling With a Laptop Internationally

Traveling internationally with a laptop is a common practice now, but it’s important to know the restrictions of your airline and the country you’re Traveling to. While some airlines allow laptops on board, others may not. It is always best to double-check before you travel.

The good news is that most airlines allow laptops on board as long as they are kept in your carry-on bag and are not used during the flight. The same applies to most international flights, although some countries may restrict the laptop’s size and weight. It is important to check with the airline before you travel to make sure you have the correct size and weight of a laptop.

In some cases, it may be necessary to check your laptop with your luggage if it is too large to fit in your carry-on bag. This is something to check with the airline before you travel. You may also need to remove the battery from the laptop and have it placed in a separate bag or container, as some airlines require this.

Additionally, many airports have security screenings where your laptop will be inspected for any illegal items or contraband. If your laptop does not pass the security screening, you may not be allowed to take it on the plane. Always make sure that you have all of your important documents and files backed up in case your laptop is confiscated.

It is also important to be aware that some countries may restrict the type of laptop you can bring into the country. For example, some countries may not allow certain models of laptops to be brought in because they contain components that are banned in that country. It is always best to check with the country’s customs office before you travel to ensure your laptop is allowed there.

Can You Bring a Laptop on A Plane Without a Case?

Whether or not you can bring a laptop on a plane without a case depends on the airline and the country you are flying to and from.

In the United States, the Transportation Security Administration (TSA) currently allows travelers to bring laptops on planes without a case as long as they are placed in a separate bin for X-ray screening. However, some countries may require laptops to be in a protective case or completely powered down and placed in checked luggage. Additionally, different airlines may have their own policies concerning laptops, so it is important to check with the airline before boarding the flight.

In the past, certain airlines have requested that passengers remove their laptops from their bags and place them in a separate bin for screening. Passengers should also be aware that laptops may be subject to additional screening, and some airlines may request to open the laptop for a closer inspection. If a laptop is being brought through security, it should not contain any batteries or power cords.

Possible Problems with Using a Laptop on A Plane

Using a laptop on a plane can present a few problems.

First and foremost, the laptop may interfere with the plane’s navigational and communication equipment. Laptops have electromagnetic signals that can cause interference with the plane’s equipment, resulting in a decrease in aircraft performance and a potential safety risk.

Additionally, the size of a laptop can be an issue. If the laptop is too large and not properly stored, it could be a tripping hazard for passengers and crew during boarding and disembarking.

Moreover, laptop screens can be distracting for other passengers, especially if the laptop is placed in a shared space, such as an armrest or seatback pocket.

In addition to the physical problems that can arise from using a laptop on a plane, security concerns exist. Laptops are often used to store sensitive information or access the internet. If a laptop is not properly secured or encrypted, it could be vulnerable to malicious hackers, resulting in data breaches and privacy violations. Furthermore, laptops can also be used to smuggle illegal items onto planes, such as weapons or drugs.

Tips For Traveling With A Laptop

When traveling with a laptop, there are a few important points to keep in mind.

First, it is important to know the rules and regulations of the airline you are flying with to ensure you are not restricted from bringing a laptop on board. Generally, laptops are allowed on planes, but it is still important to double-check with the airline to make sure that your laptop is permitted.

Another important thing to consider when bringing a laptop on a plane is to make sure that it is securely stored. Many airlines offer special laptop cases and bags that are designed to protect your laptop when traveling. Additionally, you can use a laptop sleeve to protect your laptop from scratches, bumps, and other damage that may occur during the flight.

When traveling with a laptop, it is also advisable to ensure that your laptop is fully charged before boarding the plane. Although it is unlikely that you will need to use your laptop during the flight, it is still important to have it charged in case of an emergency. Additionally, it is also a good idea to have a backup battery or charger handy just in case the flight is delayed and you need to use your laptop.

Finally, it is important to keep your laptop secure while traveling. This means that you should always keep it on your person, in a secure pocket or bag, and not leave it unattended in your seat or in the overhead bin. Additionally, you should always make sure that your laptop is password-protected to protect your personal information and data.

Best Practices for Using a Laptop During Flight

Using a laptop during a flight is becoming increasingly common, but a few best practices should be followed when doing so.

First, you should always check with your airline to ensure laptops are allowed on board. Many airlines allow personal electronic devices, such as laptops, but certain restrictions may exist. For example, some airlines may require that the laptop be turned off for the duration of the flight or that it remain in the overhead bin and not be used during takeoff or landing.

Next, you should keep your laptop securely stored during the flight. This could mean placing it in the overhead bin or using a laptop bag that has a secure closure. If you use a laptop bag, you should also make sure that it is properly stowed away in either the overhead bin or under the seat in front of you. Properly storing your laptop will help to ensure that it is not damaged during turbulence or handling.

Finally, you should be mindful of your fellow passengers and keep your laptop to a minimum volume. This is especially important if you are using a laptop to watch a movie or listen to music. Make sure to use headphones or earbuds and keep the volume low. This will help to ensure that your laptop does not disturb other passengers.


In conclusion, laptops are allowed on planes, provided that the laptop is placed in carry-on luggage and powered off during the flight. Passengers must also be aware of any restrictions that may be in place due to the airline or airport. This can include banning the use of laptop chargers or other similar items during the flight. By following the rules and regulations, passengers can ensure that their laptop is allowed on the plane.

Frequently Asked Questions:

Why are laptops not allowed on planes?

Laptops are not allowed on planes due to the potential risk of fire or explosion from the lithium-ion batteries found in many laptop computers. The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) has placed restrictions on the use of these devices in checked and carry-on baggage to reduce the risk of in-flight fires. Additionally, laptops may contain sensitive personal information, which could be a security risk.

Where do you put your laptop when flying?

When flying with a laptop, it should be placed in your carry-on bag and stored in the overhead bin or beneath your seat during the flight.

Can I bring a laptop and a carry-on bag?

Yes, you can bring a laptop and a carry-on bag.