Are Laptop Stands Worth the Investment?

Laptop stands are becoming increasingly popular as more people work remotely and need a way to stay comfortable and productive while working on their laptops. But are laptop stands worth it? This is a question that many people ask when they’re considering purchasing one. It’s a valid one too. Laptop stands are not exactly cheap, and if you’re going to spend money on one, it should be worth it.

In this article, we’ll explore the benefits of laptop stands and look at whether they’re worth the investment.

Are Laptop Stands Worth It?

Whether you’re a remote worker, a student, or just someone who wants to use your laptop more ergonomically, investing in a laptop stand can make a world of difference.

The first pro is that a laptop stand increases comfort when using your laptop. A laptop stand will provide a better angle for using the laptop, which can help reduce neck strain. It also elevates the laptop from the desk, meaning you can use a separate keyboard and mouse without having to put them on the same surface as the laptop. This increases comfort and productivity by allowing you to use the laptop more ergonomically.

The second pro is that a laptop stand can help improve the laptop’s performance. A laptop stand can help keep the laptop cool, allowing air to circulate around it. This can help prevent the laptop from overheating and can help it to run more smoothly.

The third pro is that a laptop stand can save space. If you frequently travel with a laptop, a laptop stand can help free up more space in your bag. If you have a smaller desk, a laptop stand can also be a great way to save space.

The cons of a laptop stand are few and far between. The main con is that it can be expensive. Depending on the quality of the stand, you can expect to pay anywhere from $30 to $100 or more. Additionally, a laptop stand may not be necessary for everyone, so it may not be worth the cost if you don’t think you’ll benefit from it.

Types Of Laptop Stands Available

Types Of Laptop Stands Available

A variety of different laptop stands are available on the market, each designed to meet the needs of different users.

For those who need a light and portable laptop stand, one of the most popular options is the laptop stand with adjustable legs. This type of stand is designed to fold down and is usually made of lightweight aluminum or plastic, making it easy to carry around. It typically features adjustable legs and a flat surface, allowing the user to adjust the angle and height of the laptop. This type of laptop stand is great for those who need to take their laptop with them, as it can easily fit into a bag or backpack without taking up too much space.

For those who need more stability and support, there are laptop stands with heavy-duty plastic or metal frames. These stands are designed to be sturdy and are ideal for those who use their laptop for extended periods of time. They usually come with a variety of adjustable features, such as adjustable legs and height, as well as a built-in mouse pad. These stands are great for those who want the security of a more stable platform for their laptop.

For those needing a more permanent laptop stand, there are stands with a built-in desk or table. This type of stand is designed to provide a stable platform for your laptop, and some models even come with additional features such as a built-in charging port or a cooling fan. These stands are great for those who need to use their laptop for extended periods of time and want a stable, ergonomic platform.

Ergonomic Benefits of Using a Laptop Stand

The ergonomic benefits of using a laptop stand are numerous and can significantly impact one’s physical health. Most laptops are designed to be used on a flat surface, and the laptop stand allows for easier and more comfortable use of the laptop. It helps reduce neck and back strain from hunching over the laptop and reduces the risk of repetitive strain injuries such as carpal tunnel syndrome. In addition, laptop stands make it easier to adjust the height and angle of the laptop to ensure the user is in the most comfortable and ergonomic posture.

For individuals who spend long periods of time in front of a laptop, a laptop stand can be a great way to maintain the proper posture. The stand allows the user to adjust the height of the laptop to match their sitting posture and ensure their wrists and arms are at the correct angle. This reduces the risk of strain and fatigue and provides a more comfortable work experience. By elevating the laptop, the user is able to work at the correct angle and distance from the laptop, making it easier to type and navigate the computer.

Laptop stands are also beneficial for those who are prone to overheating. By raising the laptop off the surface, a laptop stand allows for better ventilation and cooling, reducing the risk of overheating. This can also help extend the laptop’s life, as overheating can cause components to become damaged or malfunction.

How To Choose the Right Laptop Stand?

When it comes to choosing the right laptop stand, there are a few things to consider.

First, what type of laptop do you have? If you have a laptop with a large screen, you may need a larger laptop stand to accommodate it.

Second, what type of working environment do you have? If you work in a crowded or noisy space, you may need to invest in a laptop stand that is soundproof or has adjustable height options.

Third, is the laptop stand portable? Portability is key if you regularly move your laptop from home to the office or vice versa.

Fourth, what type of material is the stand made out of? The sturdiness of the stand is important, as it will determine how much weight it can support.

Finally, how much are you willing to invest? Laptop stands can range in price from a few dollars to several hundred, so it’s important to decide what your budget is before shopping.

How To Use a Laptop Stand Correctly?

Using a laptop stand can be an excellent investment for those who are looking to improve their overall posture, health, and productivity. A laptop stand is designed to improve the ergonomics of laptop use, allowing users to adjust the height and angle of their device to make it more comfortable and improve their view. When using a laptop stand, it is important to adjust the height and angle of the device to match the user’s own posture and needs.

Ideally, the user should be able to comfortably type and view their laptop without having to strain their neck or back. The laptop should be at a height that is slightly higher than the user’s eye level, and the angle should be set so that the user’s wrists are in a neutral position. The laptop stand should also be positioned so that the user’s arms are supported and not hanging off the edge of the stand.

When using the laptop stand, taking regular breaks to stretch and move around is important. This will help to reduce the risk of developing issues such as carpal tunnel syndrome or neck and back pain. It is also important to ensure that users are sitting in a chair that supports their back and is comfortable.

In addition to providing ergonomic benefits, laptop stands can also help to improve productivity and efficiency. By improving the positioning and angle of the laptop, it can be easier for users to focus on their work, as they are not having to adjust their posture or strain their eyes constantly.

Can You Type on A Laptop Stand

Can You Type on A Laptop Stand?

The answer to this question is yes; typing on a laptop stand is possible. While it is not as comfortable as typing on a traditional desktop keyboard, typing on a laptop stand is possible. This is because laptop stands are designed to elevate the laptop to a more natural typing position, which helps to reduce strain on the wrists and arms. Additionally, laptop stands are designed to provide better ventilation, which can help keep it cooler during prolonged typing sessions.

However, the question of whether a laptop stand is worth the investment depends on a variety of factors. If you are someone who does much typing, then a laptop stand can provide a great deal of comfort and convenience. Additionally, laptop stands also provide a cleaner and more organized workspace, which can help to increase productivity. On the other hand, a laptop stand may not be necessary if you do not type very often.

Are Laptop Stands Good for Wrists?

Laptop stands are great for those who are looking to keep their wrists healthy and comfortable while using their laptop. Laptop stands provide an ergonomic and adjustable platform to work from, allowing you to adjust the height and angle of your laptop to make it more comfortable to use. This helps reduce strain on the wrists and shoulders, which can be a common issue when using laptops for extended periods.

The most common use of laptop stands is to reduce strain on the wrists. Laptop stands come in various shapes and sizes, allowing you to adjust the height and angle of the laptop to your preference. This is especially useful for those who have wrist pain or carpal tunnel syndrome, as it allows them to keep their wrists in a neutral position while using the laptop. The stand also helps keep the laptop at the perfect height to reduce neck strain, which can be caused by looking down at the laptop for extended periods.

Another benefit of laptop stands is that they help to keep your laptop cool. Laptop stands usually feature a cooling fan or have a built-in cooling system to help keep your laptop from overheating. This is especially important for those who use their laptop for gaming or other intensive tasks, as overheating can cause serious damage to your laptop.

Finally, laptop stands are great for increasing productivity. By having your laptop at the perfect height and angle, you can more easily access the keyboard and mouse without having to reach for them constantly. This makes it easier to type and click without having to strain your wrists or neck.

Common Problems with Laptop Stands

There are several common problems that laptop stands can help with. One is the issue of improper posture when using the laptop. Sitting at a desk with a laptop for prolonged periods of time can cause neck and back pain. This happens because the laptop screen is too low for a comfortable viewing angle, forcing the user to hunch over. A laptop stand can help raise the laptop screen to the correct viewing height, reducing the strain on the user’s neck and back.

Another common problem is the laptop’s heat buildup. Laptops can get too hot without proper cooling, causing them to slow down or even shut down. Laptop stands can help provide better ventilation and cooling, allowing the laptop to run more efficiently. This can also help extend the life of the laptop by preventing overheating damage.

In addition to posture and heat buildup, laptop stands can also help with cable management. Keeping all the wires and cables organized and out of the way can help reduce clutter and keep the workspace organized. This can help reduce stress and make it easier to find the cable you need when you need it.

Factors To Consider When Buying a Laptop Stand

There are several factors to consider when considering whether or not to purchase a laptop stand.

The first is the size and weight of the laptop itself. Depending on the size of the laptop, a laptop stand may be necessary to provide adequate support and stability. If the laptop is large and heavy, a laptop stand may be essential to ensure the laptop is secure and not at risk of tipping over.

Additionally, the type of material used to construct the laptop stand should be taken into consideration. Many laptop stands are made of metal, plastic, or wood, each with its benefits and drawbacks. Metal stands are typically more durable and long-lasting, while plastic and wood stands may be lighter and more affordable.

Another factor to consider when buying a laptop stand is the adjustability and stability of the stand. Many laptop stands can be adjusted to different heights and angles, allowing users to customize their workspace for maximum comfort. Additionally, some laptop stands are designed with rubber feet to prevent sliding and increase stability.

Finally, the portability of the laptop stand should be taken into consideration. If the laptop stand is going to be moved around frequently, it should be light and easy to transport.


In conclusion, laptop stands are a worthwhile investment for those who want to improve their posture and comfort while working with a laptop. Not only do they help reduce neck, shoulder, and back strain, but they also help to improve the overall ergonomics of the workspace. They are also a great way to save space and make working with a laptop more efficient. With all the benefits they offer, laptop stands are a worthwhile investment for any laptop user.

Frequently Asked Questions:

Is it better to have the laptop elevated?

Yes, it is better to have your laptop elevated when using it. Elevating the laptop can help improve air circulation, reduce heat buildup and strain on the neck, and make it easier to type. Additionally, having your laptop elevated can help with posture and reduce any strain on your wrists and arms from typing.

What’s the point of a laptop stand?

The purpose of a laptop stand is to elevate the laptop to a comfortable viewing and typing height while reducing the strain on your neck, shoulders, and back. It also helps to keep the laptop cool by increasing air circulation and reducing the amount of heat build-up. Additionally, a laptop stand can help keep the laptop from sliding off the desk or other surfaces.

Are laptop stands better for your wrists

Yes, laptop stands can be beneficial for your wrists. They can help keep your wrists in a comfortable, ergonomic position that can reduce strain and minimize the risk of repetitive strain injuries. Additionally, laptop stands can help keep the laptop at eye level, reducing the need to bend your neck to look at the screen, which can help avoid neck strain.