Gaming Laptops VS Gaming Desktop: Which Is Cheaper and Why?

Gaming laptops and gaming desktops are two of the most popular laptop types on the market. They both offer great features and capabilities, but which one is actually cheaper? Are gaming laptops cheaper than gaming desktops?

The short answer is that gaming laptops are cheaper in the short term, while gaming desktops are cheaper in the long term. We’ll explain why in this article. But first, let’s take a look at some of the key differences between these two types of laptops.

What Is a Gaming Laptop?

For those unfamiliar, a gaming laptop is essentially a slimmed-down version of a regular laptop and is specifically for gamers. They usually lack the power and features of a regular laptop, opting instead for lower-power hardware that can still handle most games reasonably well. That being said, they’re also usually not as expensive as gaming desktops, making them an excellent option for budget-conscious gamers.

What Is a Gaming Desktop?

On the other hand, a gaming desktop is typically a machine with high-end processors and graphics cards designed for more than just gaming. These machines are usually more expensive than gaming laptops, but they offer better performance and features for those who want the best possible experience when playing their favorite games. They can be used for work and play, but they usually have lower battery life and a lower resolution display than gaming laptops.

What Is the Difference Between a Gaming Laptop and A Gaming Desktop?

A gaming laptop is built specifically for gaming. It has a powerful processor and graphics card to give you a smooth gameplay experience. On the other hand, the gaming desktop can be used for gaming and work. They usually have high-end processors and graphics cards that are more powerful than what is found in many gaming laptops, but they also tend to have shorter battery life. That said, some people find that they can get good enough performance from a gaming desktop while also remaining productive.

Are Gaming Laptops Cheaper Than Gaming Desktops?

There is no clear answer when it comes to answering the question of whether gaming laptops are cheaper than gaming desktops. However, there are a few factors that can influence the answer.

First and foremost, what type of games do you plan on playing? Are you primarily interested in gaming for entertainment, or are you looking to invest in a laptop that allows you to play more demanding titles?

Secondly, what kind of hardware is included in your chosen laptop? Is it a high-end model with an i7 processor and 16GB of RAM, or something more budget-friendly that only includes a GTX 1050 Ti GPU and 4GB of RAM?

Finally, how often do you think you will need to upgrade your laptop computer’s components in the future? If you’re not sure how long your current laptop will last before needing an upgrade – or if you’ll be replacing it within five years – then it may be worth considering a higher-end gaming laptop option instead.

How Are Gaming Laptops and Gaming Desktop Different?

Gaming laptops and gaming desktops are two different types of devices that are both used for gaming. Gaming laptops offer better battery life, better graphics, and more ports than gaming desktops. Gaming desktops are usually less expensive, but they don’t offer as many ports as a laptop.

One reason why gaming laptops are more expensive is that they offer better performance. Gaming laptops usually have higher-end processors and graphics cards than gaming desktops. They also have larger screens that make games look better. Gaming desktops usually don’t have as good of a processor or graphics card as a laptop does, so the games on them might not look as good.

Another difference between gaming laptops and desktops is their number of ports. Many gaming desktops don’t have any ports, while many gaming laptops do have ports for things like USB sticks and headphones. Some people prefer having more ports on their laptops because they can use them for other things besides playing games.

The main thing to consider when deciding whether to get a gaming laptop or a gaming desktop is what you want the device for. If you just want to use it for playing games, a laptop will be better because it offers better performance than a desktop. If you want to use the device for other purposes, like working on documents or doing work online, a desktop might be better since it has more ports than a laptop.

Why Are Gaming Laptops Cheaper Than Gaming Desktops?

There are a few key reasons gaming laptops are cheaper than gaming desktops. For one, laptops require less power to run games than desktops do. This means that gaming laptops can be significantly more affordable than gaming desktops.

Additionally, many laptop manufacturers create recycled materials and components in order to make their products as environmentally friendly as possible. This means that gaming laptops often have lower weight and smaller dimensions than many of the most popular gaming desktop models.

What Are the Advantages of Gaming Laptops Over Gaming Desktops?

There are many reasons why people might choose a gaming laptop over a gaming desktop. Some of the advantages of gaming laptops over gaming desktops include the following:

  • Gaming Laptops Are More Portable: Gaming laptops are often more portable than gaming desktops because they are smaller and lighter. This means you can take them wherever you go, and they don’t require as much space to store.
  • Gaming Laptops Are Faster and Easier to Use: Gaming laptops typically have faster processors and graphics cards than gaming desktops, which makes them easier to use and faster when playing games. They also have backlit keyboards, making playing easier in dark settings.
  • Gaming Laptops Are More Affordable Than Gaming Desktops: Gaming laptops are generally cheaper than gaming desktops, which means that you can buy a better model without spending much money. In addition, many game publishers now release their titles specifically for mobile platforms, such as smartphones and tablets, which means that gamers on laptops can also enjoy these games.

What Are the Disadvantages of Gaming Laptops Over Gaming Desktops?

There are a few drawbacks to gaming laptops that should be taken into consideration before making a purchase.

For one, they usually lack dedicated graphics cards, so they may be unable to run the most demanding games with the highest framerates.

They’re also often less powerful than their desktop counterparts, which means they might not be able to play the same variety of games.

Finally, gaming laptops tend to be more expensive than gaming desktops, so it’s important to consider what features you need and whether or not a laptop will fit your budget.

Can You Use a Laptop as A Gaming Pc?

When it comes to gaming, many people think of laptops first. And for a good reason: they’re portable and easy to use. But what if you want the power of a desktop PC without having to lug it around? A gaming laptop is a solution. Here’s a look at the differences between gaming laptops and desktops and which is better for you.

First, let’s take a look at the specs of each type of machine. Laptops have weaker CPUs and GPUs than desktops and generally don’t have as much RAM or storage capacity. That means you won’t be able to run the most demanding games on them at their full potential. A laptop is fine for casual games and browsing the web, but you’ll need a desktop or a laptop with a higher-end graphics card for anything more intensive.

Dedicated gaming computers are also more expensive than laptops. They typically have stronger CPUs and GPUs and more RAM and storage space. You can also upgrade them more easily, so they can handle even the most demanding games. In fact, some gamers swear that dedicated gaming PCs are the best way to go – they provide smooth gameplay regardless of what game you’re playing, plus they have enough oomph to run powerful 3D graphics software like Adobe Photoshop or Premier Pro without laggy performance issues.

So, which is better? It really depends on your needs. A laptop is probably fine if you’re only looking for a platform to play casual games and browse the web. But a dedicated gaming PC is your best bet if you want to enjoy hardcore gaming sessions with the best graphics options possible.

Gaming Pc Vs. Gaming Laptop Which Is Better

There are a few things to consider when it comes to gaming. Firstly, what hardware do you need to play your favorite games? Next, what type of display do you need? Do you want a laptop or a desktop? And finally, how much money are you willing to spend? We’ll help you answer these questions and more.

Let’s start with the hardware. A gaming laptop typically has a faster processor and more powerful graphics card than a regular laptop. You might also get extra features like a backlit keyboard or a dedicated graphics controller. On the other hand, a gaming desktop will usually have less powerful hardware than a gaming laptop but more powerful components than a regular computer. This means that you can use it for software development or general computing tasks as well as playing games.

Which type of display is best for gaming? In short, either one will work fine for gaming. That said, if you want the highest resolution possible, then go for a monitor with RGB ports – these allow for better color accuracy and contrast when playing games. If your budget is tight, don’t worry – most games look equally good on either type of display.

Now let’s talk about money. Generally speaking, laptops are cheaper than desktops overall because they tend to have lower-quality components. However, this doesn’t always mean that they’re inferior – in some cases, you might be able to get a better processor and graphics card for your money if you buy a laptop. That said, gaming laptops are often more powerful and have longer battery lives than gaming desktops, so they’re worth the investment if you plan on playing your favorite games for long periods.

Should I Buy a Gaming Laptop If I Have a Desktop?

The answer to this question depends on a few factors, such as what games you play and how much you use your laptop for gaming. A desktop might be better if you mostly play casual games or video clips online. On the other hand, a gaming laptop is more suited for hardcore gamers who want the best graphics performance possible.

Gaming laptops typically cost more than gaming desktops because they include more powerful graphics cards and processors. However, spending more money on a gaming laptop might not be necessary if you only use your computer for occasional gaming. You can save money by opting for a less expensive model that doesn’t have the extra amenities and features of a higher-priced gaming laptop.

Additionally, saving money using a lower-priced model might be an even better option if you don’t plan on using your computer for heavy-duty tasks such as photo or video editing. These laptops are usually not as powerful as higher-end models, but they are cheaper and lightweight, which could be important if you take your laptop with you when traveling.

Switching From Gaming Desktop to Laptop

Taking the plunge and switching from a gaming desktop to a laptop can be daunting. Still, it’s a great decision for those who want more flexibility and convenience regarding their computing needs. While desktop gaming is an immersive experience, laptops are versatile devices that can do much more than just play games. They’re great for work, school, and other activities that require increased mobility and don’t necessarily benefit from the extended desktop space offered by gaming desktops.

When deciding if switching to a laptop is right for you, several factors must be considered. Obviously, your budget is one of the most important considerations – after all, you’re not going to be able to buy an amazing laptop with ridiculous specs for cheap.

The configuration of your current desktop is also important – if you have a high-end graphics card or other components that need upgrading to use them on a laptop, it might not be worth making the switch.

Finally, make sure you’re comfortable using a laptop as your primary computing device – many people find they get more done on a laptop than they ever did on their old desktop.


In this article, we will be comparing gaming laptops and desktops. We are looking at what each of these devices offers, their respective prices, and why you might choose one over the other. Ultimately, we want to give you a clear understanding of what each type of device can do for you as a gamer and which will likely be cheaper in the long run. So read on, and let us help you decide which device is best for your needs!

Frequently Asked Questions:

Is a gaming laptop more expensive than a gaming PC?

Gaming laptops are often more expensive than gaming desktops because they have more powerful processors and graphics cards. However, some argue that gaming laptops are cheaper in the long run because of the monthly costs associated with running a powerful desktop PC. For example, a gaming laptop typically lasts for around three years before it needs to be replaced, while a desktop PC might need to be replaced every two or three years. Additionally, gaming laptops generally have a shorter battery life than desktop PCs, so you will have to charge them more frequently.

Are gaming laptops more expensive?

There’s much debate about whether gaming laptops are more expensive than gaming desktops. The two main factors that affect the price of a laptop are its processor and graphics card. However, other factors can affect the cost of a laptop. For example, if you opt for a model with a backlit keyboard, you may have to pay extra for this feature. Additionally, some laptops come with additional features such as extended battery life or touchscreens that make them more versatile in terms of use. So, while it’s impossible to say which type of laptop is cheaper overall, some models are definitely cheaper than others.