Desktops: Are They Cheaper Than Laptops? A Detailed Comparison

Almost everyone has heard the phrase, “desktop computing is cheaper than laptop computing.” But is this really the case? Are desktops cheaper than laptops? A detailed comparison will help you decide.

When making a decision as important as this, you want to ensure you have all of the information at your disposal. That’s where this blog post comes in. We’ll compare and contrast desktop and laptop computing to give you a clear understanding of the advantages and disadvantages of each option. After reading this article, you should better understand whether laptops are worth the extra money.

Are Desktops Cheaper Than Laptops?

So, you’re wondering whether or not desktops are cheaper than laptops. We’ll compare the two in this detailed comparison to help you decide.

First of all, the price of a laptop is generally going to be higher than that of a desktop. This is because laptops tend to have more features and are more powerful. However, the price difference between desktops and laptops can be quite small if you’re looking for a basic model.

In terms of performance, desktops will generally be faster than laptops. This is because they have more powerful processors and graphics chips. Laptops have the advantage of being portable, but they’ll usually lag behind in desktop-level performance.

Finally, there’s battery life. Laptops usually last longer than desktops when it comes to battery life due to their smaller size and lighter weight. However, if you need a laptop that can last for an extended period of time, then a desktop might be better suited for you.

What Is the Difference Between a Laptop and A Desktop

What Is the Difference Between a Laptop and A Desktop?

Laptops and desktops are two different types of devices that fall under the category of computing devices. Laptops and desktop computers have pros and cons, but which is better depends on your needs.

When it comes to raw processing power, desktops typically reign supreme. They can handle more complex tasks than laptops, making them better for people who need to work with multiple applications simultaneously or who need to access big files.

On the other hand, laptops are generally lighter and easier to carry around. They are perfect for people who need to take their computers with them wherever they go. Laptops also tend to be cheaper than desktops, which is a big advantage if you plan on investing in one device rather than buying multiple separate ones.

Laptop Vs. Desktop Advantages and Disadvantages

There are a few key advantages to using a desktop over a laptop. For one, desktops tend to be more durable. They’re typically built with more robust materials, meaning they can handle more knocks and bumps without breaking. This is especially important if you plan on using your desktop as your primary computer – a laptop’s delicate build means it’s not likely to last as long as a desktop.

Another major advantage to desktops is that they are often equipped with more advanced features than laptops. For example, nearly all desktops include at least some form of a graphics processing unit (GPU), making them better suited for gaming or video editing tasks. Laptops don’t always have the same level of graphics capabilities, so if you’re looking for an extra boost for your work projects, going with a desktop is usually the better choice.

However, there are some disadvantages to using a desktop over a laptop. For one, desktops tend to be larger and heavier than laptops, making them difficult to carry around when you need to take them somewhere else. And since desktops are typically designed for use by multiple people at once, they don’t always offer the same degree of individual privacy as laptops do.

A Detailed Comparison Between Desktops and Laptops

Many people are looking for ways to save money in today’s economy. One way to do that is to choose a laptop over a desktop. Laptops are often cheaper than desktops; in some cases, they may be more powerful too. So how do they compare?

Here’s a detailed comparison between desktops and laptops:

Desktop vs. Laptop Prices

The average price of a laptop is $1,150, while the average price of a desktop is $1,700. This means that laptops are, on average cheaper than desktops.

Laptop Performance

Laptops typically have faster processors and more memory than desktops. For example, the most expensive laptop on the market has an Intel Core i7 processor and 8GB of memory. A mid-range laptop might have an Intel Core i5 processor and 4GB memory. A low-end laptop might have an Intel Core i3 processor and 2GB memory. Consequently, laptops are typically more powerful than desktops.

Laptop Operating Systems (OS)

Many laptops come with Windows 10 or another popular OS. Some laptops also come with Ubuntu or another Linux-based OS. These OSes are generally easier to use than Windows 10 or other popular OSes. Consequently, if you’re familiar with using a computer mouse and keyboard, you will be able to use an OS like Ubuntu or Windows 10 on a laptop without any problems.

Desktop vs. Laptop Display sizes

Most laptops have a display size of 13.3 inches or smaller. Larger laptop displays (such as the 15.6-inch display on the most expensive laptop) are available, but they are usually more expensive.

Desktop vs. Laptop Resolution

The average resolution of a laptop is 1920 x 1080 pixels, while the average resolution of a desktop is 1920 x 1200 pixels. This means that laptops typically have higher resolutions than desktops.

Desktop vs. Laptop Graphics

Many laptops come with graphics chips similar to those found in high-end gaming laptops. Consequently, they are able to play some games that are not playable on desktops.

Desktop vs. Laptop Battery Life

Laptops typically last longer than desktops when it comes to battery life. For example, the most expensive laptop on the market has a battery life of up to 10 hours.

Why Is Desktop Better Than Laptop?

Laptops are great for doing many things, but they’re not always the best choice when it comes to cost. A desktop computer is typically cheaper than a laptop, and they can do more. Here are some reasons why desktops are better than laptops:

  • Desktop computers typically use less energy. Laptops tend to use much energy, which can be expensive if you’re using your laptop for work or school and need to keep it plugged in all the time.
  • Desktop computers are usually more powerful than laptops. This means that you can use them for tasks that would require a laptop but which might also require more power (like playing games).
  • Desktop computers often come with software that is specifically designed for them and for using them in specific ways (like office work). This type of software is not as common on laptops, which can make using them less convenient (for instance, if you need to open an office document on your laptop but don’t have the software installed on your desktop computer, you’ll have to find another way to do that).

Why Are Desktops More Expensive Than Laptops?

Laptop prices have been steadily declining over the past few years, while desktop prices have remained relatively stable. This comes down to a couple of reasons. First, laptops are more expensive to build than desktops. It costs more to get a good processor and graphics card into a laptop, and there’s also the cost of battery life and portability. Desktop components are also getting better all the time, so it makes sense that desktop prices would stay stagnant while laptop prices continue to go down.

The second reason why laptops are more expensive is that they’re generally not marketed as mobile devices. You can buy a very low-end laptop for under $1,000 that will work just fine as your primary computer, but you’ll be unlikely to find a good laptop for under $1,000 that can function as a mobile device too. Laptops aimed at consumers primarily use tablets or smartphones as their main input devices, so they need to be able to handle heavier loads and be durable enough to take abuse on the go.

Are Desktops Faster Than Laptops?

When it comes to laptops and desktops, there is no definitive answer as to which is faster. Typically, the verdict comes down to a few key factors: battery life, portability, weight, and price. Laptops typically have longer battery life than desktops; however, this varies greatly depending on the laptop model and how heavily the laptop is used. Portability is also a major factor when deciding between laptops and desktops. Laptops tend to be lighter and more portable than desktops, although some high-end models are even more portable than laptops. With regard to weight and price, prices for laptops range from around $300 – $800, while prices for desktops range from around $400 – $1,000+.

Should I Get A Laptop Or Desktop For Gaming?

When it comes to gaming, a laptop may be the better option for some people. Laptops typically weigh less, meaning they’re easier to carry around and move from place to place. And because laptops have smaller screens, they can be more portable when it comes to playing games on the go.

That said, there are plenty of reasons to choose a desktop over a laptop regarding gaming. Desktops typically offer bigger screens that allow for immersive gameplay. They also tend to have more powerful processors and graphics cards, allowing you to play games with higher resolutions and more features. Plus, most desktops come with built-in speakers and keyboards, making them much more comfortable and convenient than laptops when it comes to gaming.

So, which is better – a laptop or a desktop? It really depends on your specific needs and preferences. Ultimately, the best decision is what’s best for you individually.


In this article, we compare the cost of buying a desktop computer against that of a laptop. We look at features and price points to help you decide if buying a desktop or a laptop is cheaper. Overall, we find that laptops are more expensive than desktops for most people, but there are exceptions. A laptop may be cheaper for occasional use or light computing tasks than a desktop. But desktops usually offer better performance for heavier computing and gaming due to their greater processing power.

Frequently Asked Questions:

Is it cheaper to buy a laptop or a desktop?

When it comes to buying a desktop or laptop, people often have mixed opinions. Some people believe it is cheaper to buy a laptop, while others believe it is cheaper to buy a desktop. However, in the end, it really depends on what you need and want. For example, a laptop might be better for you if you are looking for portability and don’t mind trading some power for convenience. On the other hand, if you need more power and space than a laptop can offer, then a desktop might be better for you. Ultimately, the best decision is usually whatever works best for you and your needs.

What is more expensive a laptop or a desktop?

Desktop computers typically last longer than laptops and are less likely to need repairs or replacements. They also tend to be more powerful, with more storage and processing power. Desktop computers usually cost more than laptops, but the price differences are not always dramatic. In general, a desktop computer will run you about $300 more than a laptop of the same spec. That said, you may be able to find some great deals on laptops now that the holiday buying season is over.

Why are desktops better than laptops?

Laptops are great for on-the-go use, but desktops offer a more productive work experience. First, desktops have larger screens that allow for easier multitasking and more efficient work. Second, most desktops come with built-in speakers and ports for connecting devices, making them better equipped for working with other computer components. Finally, desktop computers typically last longer than laptops, so you’ll save money in the long run by investing in a desktop instead of a laptop.